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Red Roses: Our bouquet includes ten stunning red roses, carefully chosen for their deep, rich hue and exquisite beauty. The classic color of red roses symbolizes love, making it the perfect choice for passionate expressions.


Premium Presentation: Your red roses will be expertly arranged, delicately wrapped in coordinating floral paper, and finished with a decorative ribbon. This ensures that your bouquet conveys not only your emotions but also makes a striking visual statement.


With its timeless elegance and the passionate symbolism of red roses, this bouquet is a heartfelt gift for any occasion where love takes center stage.


Order our Red Roses Bouquet today and let your love shine through in the most romantic way. Celebrate life's unforgettable moments with Book a Surprise – because love deserves something truly special.

Red Roses (10 Pieces)

  • To make the most of your Assorted Roses Bouquet and keep it looking fresh and vibrant, follow these simple caring tips:

    Fresh Water: Upon receiving your bouquet, immediately trim the stems at a slight angle and place them in a clean vase with fresh, lukewarm water. Ensure that no leaves are submerged in the water, as this can lead to bacterial growth.

    Remove Extra Foliage: Gently remove any leaves that might be below the waterline to prevent water contamination and promote longevity.

    Regular Water Change: Change the water every 2-3 days to keep it clean and clear. Re-cut the stems by a half-inch each time for better water absorption.

    Keep Cool: Display your roses in a cool room away from direct sunlight, heating sources, or drafts. Roses last longer in a cooler environment.

    Mist the Petals: Lightly mist the rose petals with water to maintain their freshness and appearance.

    Love and Attention: Show your roses some love by talking to them, giving them fresh air, and keeping them away from fruits or vegetables that release ethylene gas, which can shorten their lifespan.

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